We provide different levels of service and support:
NBI Open access
Our instruments can be used across the Norwich Research Park via the NRP Virtual Technology Centre. We will train the user and provide advice on sampling and data analysis. The user can then book an instrument and carry out his/her own measurements. FEC charges apply.
Grant access
Where the use of FTIR facilities has been written into a research grant we will train the user and provide advice on sampling and data analysis. The user can then book an instrument and carry out his/her own measurements. Please contact us to discuss the costing when you write your grant.
Spectroscopy service
We carry out one-off sample analyses for grant holders and external customers. The charges for this service depend on the nature and amount of work required.
Feasibility studies
Often we are approached by researchers asking whether we could help them with a problem or an idea for an experiment. We are happy to do exploratory experiments and help with writing grant proposals.